What is this thing? Ya, it’s a pen.

Next question, if a small dog comes in here, and I go like this, and I show this to the dog, what would they do with it? 

Ya they would bite it. 

Do they see it as a pen? No, they see it as something to chew. 

Next question, who is correct? The human or the dog? Ya, you can say both are correct, the human can write, the dog can chew. 

Most important question, if I come here, and I put this thing here, and all the dogs go out of the room, and all the humans go out of the room, at that moment, what is this thing? Pen or chewtoy? 

Right there, it’s almost like nothing, in Buddhism, we call this emptiness, if you understand emptiness, you can make anything happen. 

You can make a 250 million dollar company, you can help refugees, you can do it if you understand emptiness. 

What does emptiness mean? If the human comes back to the room, and walk up here and look at this thing, what does it become? 

It becomes a pen again, OK? Did that pen come from the human, or did that pen come from the pen? From the human. 

If the dog walks in and changes it, and it becomes a chewtoy. So the pen is coming from me. 

If I close my eyes and wish I had a diamond in my hand, would it change? No, it’s not by wishing, there’s something in my mind which forces me to see it as a pen, in Buddhism, we call that karma.

There’s a seed in my mind, when I look at this thing, the seed opens in my mind, and it forces me to see a pen, who put the seed in my mind? 

We say only you can put a seed in your mind, how do you put a seed in your mind? 

You go to another person, you said, “I have a pen, do you want a pen?” And then you give it to them, when you open your hand, and get them a pen, or money, or refugee aid or whatever, when you release the pen, and you open the hand, who sees your hand open? 

You see your hand open, and the other person sees your hand open. 

When you open your hand, that image goes into your mind, and it creates a seed in your mind, OK? 

When you give something to someone else, with the intention of helping them, with love, and this creates the record in your mind of that opening your hand creates an image, and that image comes into your mind, it presses on your mind, and it creates a seed.

And two days later, you go to the Yoga Sutra discussion group, and the person holds up this thing, that seed opens in your mind, and you see a pen, (and you are not a dog,) OK?

(So we can design our future, our lives, by managing the seeds, by planting more good seeds, and stopping more bad seeds, then you can design the future, very accurately.

Whatever you want, you can do it.


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